Detroit Regional Chamber > Detroit Regional Chamber Statement on Latest ‘Pause to Save Lives’ Update

Detroit Regional Chamber Statement on Latest ‘Pause to Save Lives’ Update

December 18, 2020
Detroit Regional Chamber President and CEO Sandy K. Baruah issued the following statement regarding updates to the Pause to Save Lives provided by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in a press conference Friday, Dec. 28:

“The Chamber applauds the Governor and our legislative leadership in agreeing to move forward financial relief for Michigan businesses and individuals. Today’s announcement is the type of bipartisan cooperation the Chamber, and Michigan voters, according to our latest poll, have been anxious to see.

We are also gratified that movie theaters, casinos, and other businesses are able to open up for the holiday season. The remaining restrictions do, however, continue to threaten the vitality of indoor dining establishments that are critical to communities across the state.

Today’s action in Michigan can serve as an example to our leaders in Washington who have still not fulfilled their responsibilities to enact bipartisan COVID-19 relief legislation that the nation still awaits.”

Updates to the epidemic order from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) go into effect on  Monday, Dec. 21, and remain in place through Friday, Jan. 15. Key changes include:

  • Casinos, bowling centers, and movie theatres will be allowed to reopen without food and drink concessions. Total capacity will be capped at 100 and social distancing requirements must remain in place.
  • Indoor dining in bars and restaurants remains closed, but outdoor dining, carry-out, and delivery services may continue.
  • Gyms remain open for individual exercise with strict safety measures in place. Outdoor group fitness and outdoor non-contact sports will again be allowed.
  • Colleges and universities will be able to have students return to campus for the winter semester, with a voluntary commitment to wait until Jan. 18 to restart in-person courses.
  • Reopened indoor entertainment venues will not be required to collect names and contact information.

View more details about the updates to this epidemic order in the MDHHS press release and graphic below. 
