The Detroit Regional Chamber uses its resources, influence, and convening power to help drive economic prosperity by promoting key economic sectors that attract investment and jobs and accelerate economic growth. It runs the state’s only automotive cluster in MichAuto, which works to promote, retain, and grow Michigan’s automotive and mobility industry, and supports the Region’s vibrant defense and aerospace cluster, which continues to be one of the nation’s leading hubs of tech innovation.
Economic prosperity is not simply wealth or the productivity of a city or region.
It also includes economic growth and security, overall competitiveness, and equity, and requires an understanding of the correlation between quality of life, business growth, and social mobility.
Increasing economic prosperity over the long-term requires a delicate balance between the realities and opportunities in the present-day economy with those of the future. Achieving economic prosperity requires policies and a business climate that allow for both short-term growth and development, and long-term sustainability.

Economic Prosperity Strategy
The Detroit Regional Chamber Foundation leads a prosperity strategy to ensure the 11-county Detroit Region is educated, employed, and equitable. The Chamber’s portfolio of programs and advocacy expertise aims to create an economic future where all businesses and individuals can grow and thrive.
The organization pushes initiatives that address the key issues facing Michigan businesses like no other entity in the state. It fosters increased collaboration between the business, education, government, and philanthropic communities and works with like-minded organizations around the state such as the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Michigan Manufacturers Association, Business Leaders for Michigan, Small Business Association of Michigan, the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, and the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce.
Supporting Industries that Drive Growth and Innovation
The Region’s Most Robust Education and Talent Portfolio
The Chamber also maintains the Region’s most robust education and talent portfolio to ensure employers have the highly skilled workforce needed to thrive in today’s knowledge-based economy and all residents can access quality education regardless of their financial resources. This work is anchored by the Detroit Promise scholarship and Detroit Drives Degrees, a collective impact initiative designed to help Southeast Michigan achieve 60% postsecondary education attainment and cut the racial equity gap in half by 2030.
A Best-in-Class Economic Equity and Inclusion Initiative
Achieving prosperity goes hand in hand with increasing equity across the Region. To this end, the Chamber leads a Economic Equity and Inclusion initiative designed to create the systemic change needed to ensure the Region has an equitable future. This initiative includes internal diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, and external ones – from supporting other organizations’ equity work to leveraging Chamber platforms and resources to help the business community support racial justice and economic equity.
Michigan 2030 Plan: The Framework Driving Economic Competitiveness
Much of the Chamber’s work to increase economic prosperity is built around its Michigan 2030 Plan, which offers a long-term advocacy framework designed to drive Michigan’s global competitiveness and expanded global economic leadership. In doing so, the Chamber’s advocacy team provides a voice for business at all levels of government. It focuses on developing the policy and legislation needed to create a growth-oriented business climate, globally recognized talent, next-generation mobility, and forward-looking infrastructure while doing its part to bend the arc toward social justice and foster trustworthy and efficient government.
The Chamber as Trusted Information Resource for Decision Makers
The Chamber also serves as a trusted source of information by maintaining a robust data center while also publishing the State of the Region, State of Talent, and Michigan is Automobility reports. These publications provide insight on economic, education, industry, and workforce trends that impact prosperity growth and help inform key decision makers in the public and private sectors.
Economic Prosperity Initiatives

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