A stronger comeback for Michigan and Detroit means partnering and acting together. Key leaders of the state Legislature, Detroit City Council and Mayor’s Office took the stage at the Chamber’s annual Political Action Committee (PAC) reception to discuss the ways they can align on critical issues affecting both the city and state. Proceeds from this event went to the Chamber’s PAC, which supports pro-growth candidates from both parties who are committed building a more prosperous Michigan.
The relationship between Michigan and its largest city has seen an increased level of collaboration recently, with the historic Grand Bargain being the most notable. But looking beyond this, there are number of pieces of legislation in front of the Legislature that will require increased communication and partnership between Lansing and Detroit to keep the city and state’s momentum.
Moderator and CEO of Miller Canfield Mike McGee pressed the panel, which included House Speaker Rep. Kevin Cotter, Chief Government Affairs Officer for the City of Detroit Lisa Howze, Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones and Senate Majority Leader Sen. Arlan Meekhoff, about how they would work together on reforming Detroit’s educational system, reducing auto insurance rates in the city and continuing strong economic development throughout the state.
Relationship building remained a constant across all of the issues. While sizeable disagreements were acknowledged, all of the panelists expressed their commitment to collaborating on the issues that matter most to Detroit and Michigan’s future growth.