Affected schedules include the Mackinac Policy Conference, Leadership Detroit, and Member EventsrnrnDETROIT, MICH. (June 9, 2020) – Today, the Detroit Regional Chamber announces it will not convene groups of 50 people or more for the rest of 2020. This decision was made in accordance with the current recommendations published by the Centers for Disease Control and by consulting with many of its member businesses to understand their anticipated policies for meetings and events for the rest of the year.rnrn“First and foremost, our priority in planning during this pandemic is the health and safety of our members, guests, and staff,” said Sandy K. Baruah, president and CEO of the Detroit Regional Chamber.rnrnThis decision includes the Mackinac Policy Conference, which had previously been rescheduled for August. Also included is Leadership Detroit, which will suspend program activities until 2021, and all other gatherings and member events. The Chamber is reaching out to all registered attendees, participants, partners, and sponsors affected by this decision.rnrn“It has become clear that ‘social distancing’ will be with us for a while and if there’s one thing the Mackinac Policy Conference, Leadership Detroit, and many of our events have never been and could never be, it’s socially distant,” said Baruah. “We are exploring other digital formats to curate conversation and drive action around the crucial immediate and longer-term issues that will drive our region and state’s prosperity. Just like everybody else, we will find new ways to execute our traditional role.”rnrnThe Chamber will premiere a new digital series, “MPC20 Conversations: Respond and Rebuild” in late summer. This series will include multiple discussions among state and national leaders representing business, media, philanthropy, and government. The MPC20 Conversations agenda will focus on Michigan’s COVID-19 response, economic recovery, racial injustice and achieving equity, and the 2020 election.rnrnAdditional Chamber programs that will be offered via digital platforms include the Inside the CEO Mind series and Membership Maximizers.rnrnThe 2020-2021 State of the Region, State of Education, and the MichAuto Summit will be moved to 2021 and are planned as traditional in-person events.rnrnLeadership Detroit, which relies heavily on an in-person experience as well as the close bond among cohorts, will pause the application process for LD Class XLII and 2020-2021 programming, until it becomes safe to gather large groups. Senior Director of the program, Dan Piepszowski, will stay on to lead an effort for the Chamber focused on addressing racial injustice and achieving equity in the region.rnrnSince March, the Chamber has been the leader in helping businesses navigate the unchartered territory of the pandemic. The Chamber’s COVID-19 Business Restart Center, Tele-Town Hall series, and Michigan Restart initiative have provided businesses, and the public at large, real-time information, resources, restart counsel, and access to Michigan’s top political and business leadership. This vital work will continue, and expand, as the Detroit region and the State transition from recovery to a new era of growth.rnFor more information on Chamber events, please visit media inquiries, please contact Megan Spanitz.