Resources for Restarting Business Operations
April 22, 2020To help businesses prepare to resume operations and anticipate the coming changes, the Chamber has compiled the following resources. Explore the resources below to learn more about best practices on returning to work in light of COVID-19.
Small Business Quick Pivot Workshops
Through virtual workshops and innovation sessions, Accenture pledges to bring the best of their services to local communities utilizing the same tools and methodologies they use with their clients. Sessions will be based on collaborative discussions, proven design thinking methodologies and practical tools. Learn more.
What To Do Now And Next
As governments make significant interventions in response to the coronavirus, businesses are rapidly adjusting to the changing needs of their people, their customers, and suppliers, while navigating the financial and operational challenges. On this page, you will find expert perspectives from Accenture leaders that provide insight paired with tangible actions your organization can take to turn massive complexity into meaningful change.
EY: Nine Areas of Focus for COVID-19 Crisis Management
Introducing an easy-to-use diagnostic tool to help provide a comprehensive, methodical approach to crisis management. EY has identified nine areas enterprises can address to assist business continuity now, build resilience for what’s next, and help reframe your future for what comes beyond the pandemic.
KPMG: Preparing for a Post-COVID-19 World
With retailers and FMCGs (fast-moving consumer goods companies) grappling to come to terms with the impact of the COVID-19, we all face a future that is both uncertain and unpredictable. For many companies, the next six months will have only one goal: survival. For others, there may be an opportunity to focus on how to emerge from the crisis a stronger, better positioned, more valuable business.
Lear: Safe Work Playbook
An interactive guide for COVID-19 pandemic preparedness and response. The manual covers a wide range of topics, including step-by-step guides for setting up a pandemic response team, cleaning and disinfection procedures, staggering shifts and lunch breaks and other social distancing strategies, on-site health screenings, and protocols for isolating employees who become ill at work.
PWC: Returning to the Workplace
As states, localities, and health officials begin to set parameters around reopening businesses, bringing your people back onsite successfully won’t be as simple as flipping a switch. Every company is unique: Some have knowledge workers who may be able to continue working remotely, while others have factories to restart or brick-and-mortar retail locations to bring back to life. But each company faces the same concerns: where to begin, how to keep people protected, when to communicate, and what’s the right way to move forward.
UHY LLP: How Businesses Can Identify Profit Drivers to Maximize Recovery
As businesses persevere through the economic slowdown, management will be faced with many difficult decisions in the weeks to come. Those will include decisions around workforce, capital allocation, and investment in innovation. Many organizations will need to determine which of its businesses, products, or service offerings warrant continued investments and which ones do not.