Gov. Whitmer
Detroit Regional Chamber > Gretchen Whitmer

Gretchen Whitmer

Governor, State of Michigan

Governor Gretchen Whitmer is the 49th Governor of Michigan, who has signed over 1,000 bipartisan bills and four balanced, bipartisan budgets to deliver on the kitchen-table issues, grow the economy, and create good-paying jobs in every region of the state.

Since Whitmer took office, Michigan has announced 35,000 auto jobs, fixed 20,000 lane miles of road and 1,400 bridges by the end of 2022, and funded programs putting tens of thousands of people on tuition-free paths to higher education and skills training. She has worked across the aisle to empower Michigan’s economic development and brought critical supply chains home from China to Michigan.

Whitmer has made the largest education investment in state history four years in a row, delivering the highest state per-student funding ever, increasing on-campus mental health resources, and helping hire thousands more qualified teachers.

Her leadership has been fiscally responsible, cutting taxes for small business owners, paying down nearly $14 billion in debt, and bringing the state’s rainy-day fund to an all-time high of $1.6 billion.

Whitmer earned a bachelor’s degree and a law degree from Michigan State University.