“Courage is a renewable resource, and somedays it reminds us that there is always a fight worth fighting for,” said Walker-Miller. “As long as women continue to support each other there is always an opportunity to fight another day, to be better, to do better, and make difference not just for ourselves but for our community.”
The panelists agreed that courage is the first step in challenging the biases that all women face in the workplace and beyond.
“With every challenge there are stumbling blocks that teach us to be remarkable. They teach us what we are capable of, that we are stronger than we think, and about growth,” said Ferguson.
She also spoke about dealing with several challenges and how the mindset she developed while getting through those rough times helps her in her business. She chooses to challenge the spirits industry by being the first black woman to start a tequila brand. “You can always choose to change or choose not to,” said Ferguson.
She encouraged the listeners to choose to challenge yourself daily, rise to the occasion, face your fears, and accomplish what you thought was impossible.