Detroit Regional Chamber > 2020 Census: Do Your Part to Complete Your Form

2020 Census: Do Your Part to Complete Your Form

March 25, 2020
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The time has come to fill out the 2020 Census questionnaire, and chances are you’ve already received a paper form and notice in the mail to fill out your form online from the U.S. Census Bureau. Everyone has responsibility to fill out and submit the form for their household.

Census efforts that promote the completion of the form, especially in hard-to-count communities, have been halted due to the recent spread of COVID-19. Businesses are needed now more than ever to help encourage more people to complete their census.

An accurate census count is crucial for Detroit and Michigan’s future, and here’s why:

State Representation and Funding Relies on the Census Count

The census helps determine how many seats each state is allotted in Congress, and the amount of funding the state receives. This amount will affect health care, education, and food programs that families and seniors depend on in Michigan. An inaccurate count risks losing a seat in Congress and decreasing the federal funding the state receives for these programs.

Each seat in Congress represents around 711,000 individuals. With other states growing rapidly, an undercount could mean that Michigan loses another seat. The state has previously lost five seats in the last 50 years and ensuring an accurate count can help prevent this from happening again.

How to Fill Out the Census in 10 Minutes or Less

Individuals should know that their census information is completely confidential and protected by law.

This means that responses will not and cannot be shared with immigration or law enforcement, state agencies, courts, taxing authority, etc.

For the first time, respondents can submit their census answers online. For those who received the form by mail, simply fill it out and send it back.

Your Business Can Help Spread the Word

Businesses can help ensure an accurate census count by encouraging customers, employees, and the general public to complete the questionnaire. Achieving an accurate count is imperative to a thriving economy and requires assistance from both the public and private sectors. Your business can help by:

  1. Encourage employees to complete their census questionnaires.
  2. Share messages promoting the census with customers.
  3. Promote the impact of the census using social and digital media through company communication channels.
  4. Create short videos promoting the census with influencers from your organization.
  5. Use your platform to debunk false information.
  6. Engage in local, regional, and statewide efforts

View the Detroit Regional Chamber’s 2020 Census Business Engagement Toolkit to learn more about how your business can help.