The City Speaks: Chief Craig and Panel Highlights Community as Key to Revitalization
February 28, 2014Detroit residents must move past the negative perception of the city and work to re-invent and re-imagine what the inactive areas of the city can be. That was the message delivered by panelists in the morning breakout session, “The City Speaks: Revitalizing Detroit’s Neighborhoods.”
Panelists made the point that the psychological effect of reinvention, as it relates to Detroit’s neighborhoods, must be framed and supported through the mindset of the community. The panel included James Craig, Detroit chief of police; Maggie DeSantis, president of Warren/Conner Development Coalition; Benjamin Kennedy, deputy director of community development and Detroit program; and Bill Pulte, founder and chairman of Detroit Blight Authority. The session was moderated by Stephen Henderson, editorial page editor of the Detroit Free Press. This session was sponsored by JP Morgan Chase.