Detroit Regional Chamber > Detroiter Magazine > 60% By 2030: The Goal of the Chamber’s Talent Portfolio

60% By 2030: The Goal of the Chamber’s Talent Portfolio

January 5, 2021
The Detroit Regional Chamber has the most comprehensive education and talent portfolio in the region. Its Education and Talent Strategy focuses on increasing access, ensuring success, and growing talent with unrivaled programming efforts from administering the Detroit Promise Scholarship to Discover Auto. The organization has led the way in establishing the goal of increasing the region’s postsecondary education attainment to 60% by 2030, a benchmark since adopted by Governor Gretchen Whitmer for the entire state.

Under the strategic direction of a newly formed CEO Talent Council, led by Kelly’s Peter Quigley and 22 CEOs from a range of industries, the Chamber is empowering employers to engage in shaping the Detroit Region’s talent pipeline to meet 21st century needs and set the foundation for increased prosperity. This infographic shows the breadth and impact of the Chamber programs and initiatives in education and talent.