Hans Werner Kaas headshot
Detroit Regional Chamber > Hans-Werner Kaas

Hans-Werner Kaas

Co-dean, The Bower Forum, McKinsey & Co.

Hans-Werner Kaas is the Co-dean of McKinsey & Co.’s CEO leadership program, “The Bower Forum,” a former member of its Global Client Council, and is a senior partner emeritus at McKinsey. In 1991, he joined McKinsey’s Frankfurt office, moved to the Cleveland office in 1997, and co-founded the Detroit office in 1998. He worked 33 years at McKinsey, serving clients in the automotive, technology/software/electronics, industrial, aerospace, and defense industry sectors.

He works with and counsels Chief Executive Officers and leaders across multiple industry sectors globally. Further on, he serves as senior advisor to McKinsey with a focus on leadership development and The Bower Forum. He is also an engaged, active investor in private equity, venture capital, and start-ups while managing the advisory firm he founded.