Susan Hooks-Brown
Detroit Regional Chamber > Susan Hooks-Brown

Susan Hooks-Brown

Ambassador, Detroit Reconnect, Detroit Regional Chamber


Susan Hooks-Brown is a Detroit Reconnect Ambassador for the Detroit Regional Chamber and a Southeast Michigan Engagement Coordinator Community Learning Partnership,

Hooks-Brown has extensive experience in community organizing and a strong passion for social justice. She has prepared community organizers from a mentoring perspective, assisting in finding internship placements and resources and discussing tactics in their local and statewide communities. This includes helping to keep the Great Start Readiness Program, a statewide preschool program, in the State of Michigan’s Budget.

Hooks-Brown believes this work creates future leaders who want a better world, especially in communities of Black, Indigenous, and people of color, and finds it critical that high school and college students understand that they have a voice and the power to create systemic change.