Dearborn Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
November 16, 2022
The free event, a longstanding Dearborn tradition, gets underway at 6 p.m. when Mayor Abdullah Hammoud, assisted by Malik Ali, a kindergarten student at Nowlin Elementary School, will light the city’s new ceremonial Christmas tree outside the Michael A Guido Theater’s west entrance.
The towering 30-foot tall white fir, which replaces a much smaller tree the City planted a few years ago, will provide a fitting welcome to patrons attending the Annual Festival of Trees in the Lincoln Ballroom.
Prior to and after the tree lighting, attendees will be able to have their picture taken with one of Santa’s reindeer and a member of Santa’s elf staff.
The evening’s festivities will continue in the Michael A. Guido Theater with holiday performances by the Dearborn Community Concert Band, the Dearborn Public Schools Elementary & Secondary Honors Choirs, the Dearborn Youth Theater and a special presentation by Vanessa El-Zein and a surprise guest.
The in-theater portion of the evening will conclude with Mayor Hammoud leading an audience sing-along, featuring some of the best-known songs of the holiday season.
Following the sing-along, everyone is invited to enjoy cookies, coffee and hot chocolate in the lobby and take a free tour of the Festival of Trees in the Lincoln Ballroom, where younger children can visit with Santa Claus.
The annual tree lighting and sing-along is hosted by the Dearborn Parks & Recreation Department. For more information, visit
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