Detroit Regional Chamber > Advocacy > Dykema on Paid Leave and Minimum Wage Changes: ‘Be Prepared’

Dykema on Paid Leave and Minimum Wage Changes: ‘Be Prepared’

August 26, 2024

On Aug. 22, Dykema hosted a webinar to explore the changes coming with Paid Leave and Minimum Wage updates and provided some solutions for employers to prepare for the mandatory changes come February 2025.

One of the critical challenges for employers is the broad applicability of the statute. For example, unlike the previous Paid Medical Leave Act, the Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA) requires all employees, regardless of status, to be entitled to earn sick time.

Because of these new rules’ complex and extreme nature, many business organizations, including the Detroit Regional Chamber, will advocate amendments to the ruling. In the meantime, Dykema recommends business owners start “getting their ducks in a row now” to prepare for February’s change. This may include:

  • Addressing employees who currently receive no leave time by including this in existing policies and creating specific policies for part-time and temporary employees.
  • Seeing if your company meets the minimum thresholds of accrual.
  • Using legal counsel or HR professionals can offer invaluable guidance to employers in navigating the nuances of ESTA. Seeking expert advice can aid in determining the classification of workers, address specific industry-related challenges, and develop tailored compliance strategies.

Supporting Members

The Chamber is committed to providing information and support to its members on this issue. This includes actively collaborating with several law firms within its membership to address Chamber members’ pressing questions. If you have questions about the ruling, please submit them here.

Up Next

On Aug. 28, 9-10 a.m., a virtual Michigan Business Town Hall hosted by the Michigan, Detroit, and Grand Rapid Chambers of Commerce will discuss how employers can help advocate for a fix to this decision. Register now.