Lear’s Ray Scott: ‘There is No Competition Around Health and Safety’
April 14, 2020
In a Tele-Town Hall with Ray Scott, the president and CEO of Lear Corp. attendees gleaned insights on the “Safe Work Playbook” Lear launched amid the COVID-19 global pandemic to help businesses when reopening the economy. Glenn Stevens Jr., executive director of MichAuto, and the vice president of Automotive and Mobility Initiatives for the Chamber interviewed Scott about the complex supply chain and issues at the forefront of suppliers’ minds.
As a global organization with more than 261 seating, electrical, and electronic components plants worldwide, Lear has compiled their lessons learned and tremendous insights from the virus impact in China, Japan, Korea, Italy, and Spain with the intent to ensure the safety of its people and the communities where they live. With more than 8,000 downloads of the Playbook to date, it has quickly become an essential resource guide for manufacturers across the globe.
Scott reinforced that there is a new “normal” emerging and it is important to recognize that there is no competition around health and safety. The more we (suppliers) share our best practices, Scott says, the safer for everyone. Costs will arise due to this global change, including necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), disinfectant materials, and additional labor hours – all in the name of putting safety first.
As essential businesses continue to operate and non-essential businesses seek to prepare to re-open when the economy starts back up, there are steps in the Playbook that can be implemented now to ensure safe returns and an increased focus on these four pillars:
- Education
- Training
- Verification and Audit
- Employee Feedback
Reflecting on what the industry has done in such a short time, Scott says he is proud of what has been done while also acknowledging that it is our obligation as a community to make sure that we are supporting those on the frontlines fighting this virus every day.
Related: Lear Playbook Provides Guidance On A Safe Workplace Post-COVID-19
Related: Listen to the full recording or register for an upcoming Tele-Town Hall.