Detroit Regional Chamber > Media Coverage > Restaurants Float Deal to Preserve Minimum Wage Tip Credit

Restaurants Float Deal to Preserve Minimum Wage Tip Credit

August 22, 2024

Crain’s Detroit Business
Aug. 19, 2024
David Eggert

Desperate to keep intact a minimum wage tip credit, Michigan restaurants are urging lawmakers to raise the regular minimum to higher levels than proposed under a law taking effect in five months.

The industry says the move would be a win-win-win after the state Supreme Court declared a 2018 legislative tactic unconstitutional and reinstated an initiated law that Republicans watered down.

“We definitely need to find a solution here,” said Brad Williams, vice president of government relations for the Detroit Regional Chamber. “In a perfect world, if we were writing the law that we love, it would as it was before the court ruled. But we have hospitality members. We need to find something that’s in their interest. The solution that the restaurant industry is looking at I think does not throw the market too far out of whack.”