Detroit Regional Chamber > Earned Sick Time and Minimum Wage Changes > Join Dykema for a Webinar on Michigan’s Minimum Wage and Earned Sick Time Laws, Aug. 22

Join Dykema for a Webinar on Michigan’s Minimum Wage and Earned Sick Time Laws, Aug. 22

August 16, 2024

Late July 2024, the Michigan Supreme Court issued a ruling that will bring about significant changes for businesses, including:

  • Adjustments to earned sick time benefits
  • An increase in minimum wage
  • A phase-out of the tipped wage credit

Join Dykema‘s Sean Darke and Jim Hermon for a webinar on Thursday, Aug. 22 from 8:30-9:30 a.m., that will explore the changes that are coming and provide some solutions for employers confronted with the need to comply with these newly-revived laws.

RELATED: Chamber and Dykema Review Michigan’s Earned Sick Time, Minimum Wage Law Changes