Today, Jan. 22, Creative Class Group released its newest report, commissioned by the Detroit Regional Chamber and the University of Michigan; Competing at Scale: The Case for a Detroit-Ann Arbor Innovation Corridor.
Spearheaded by the Founder of the Creative Class Group, Richard Florida, the report highlights the need for a Detroit-Ann Arbor Innovation Corridor, citing that the Detroit Region still has phenomenal strengths that it can leverage to once again be home to the world’s most technologically advanced manufacturing industries and the world’s largest complex of corporate R&D laboratories.
The study reveals that few places are better positioned than Detroit and Ann Arbor to capitalize on breakthrough new technologies, such as advanced mobility, artificial intelligence, and more. The Detroit-Ann Arbor Innovation Corridor would lead in creating a new and more positive model for high-tech-driven economic development.
In May, the Chamber and University of Michigan announced Innovate Michigan to foster innovation, technological advancement, and economic growth from Ann Arbor to Detroit and transform the Detroit Region into a national leader in technology and economic development. The report released today offers further insight and justification for this effort. Learn more about Innovate Michigan.
This year’s Detroit Policy Conference theme, Driving the Innovation Economy, is further inspired by the Innovate Michigan initiative and the agenda focuses on the need to leverage Michigan’s assets to foster innovation throughout the Detroit Region, particularly between Detroit and Ann Arbor.