Innovation Corridor

Florida: Together, Detroit and Ann Arbor Can Be Leaders in Innovation
January 28, 2025Creative Class Groups' Richard Florida highlights the need for a Detroit-Ann Arbor Innovation Corridor in an op-ed for The Detroit…

Detroit-Ann Arbor Link Vital to Future of Michigan’s Tech Economy
January 27, 2025A vital component for high-tech-driven economic development is a new model of cooperation between Ann Arbor and Detroit.

Baruah: Why the Detroit Region Must Be a Hub of Innovation
January 23, 2025Detroit and Ann Arbor must combine their innovative assets to create an Innovation Corridor and compete with leading hubs like…

New Report Highlights the Importance of a Detroit-Ann Arbor Innovation Corridor
January 22, 2025Today, Jan. 22, Creative Class Group released its newest report, commissioned by the Detroit Regional Chamber and the University of Michigan; 'Competing…

Detroit Regional Chamber, U-M Announce Innovation Corridor Plan
May 30, 2024The University of Michigan and the Detroit Regional Chamber have unveiled a strategic initiative to foster innovation, technological advancement, and…

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